Welcome to Joomo GmbH
We started DevOps one year before the term DevOps was coined in 2009.
We have successfully embraced the DevOps challenge as a partner of a globally recognized automotive manufacturer and other esteemed suppliers within the automotive industry.
We build software on our own servers, inside a modern and secure in-house data center, seamless integration with other software solutions, automated simulation testing, and continuous software updates deployment.
We also test the automotive devices in real conditions by using our edge device DART -Device to Connect Remote Target, with our cloud.
Discover more about how we are shaping the future of the automotive industry with innovative DevOps solutions.
Our products and services
Einzelne Softwarekomponenten werden zu einer Hauptsoftware zusammengebaut. Mehr...
Intelligent test systems
After new updates, the software is tested using automated simulation tests. Mehr...
The software is tested under real conditions on remote hardware devices. Mehr...
DART HMI Framegrabber
The framegrabber is interposed between the infotainment system and the infotainment display and grabs images for test purposes. Mehr...
Tools für die Softwareentwicklung
Wir entwickeln für unsere Kunden individuelle Tools für die Softwareentwicklung Mehr...
Unterschiedliche Fehlermanagementti-cketsysteme, wie beispielsweise Jira, Bugzilla werden synchronisiert. Mehr...
Hosting, Cloudlösungen und Benutzerverwaltung
Sicheres Hosting, individuelle Cloud-lösungen sowie Benutzerverwaltung. Mehr...
Künstliche Intelligenz: Servicebereich
Durch den Einsatz von KI im Servicebereich wird der Kundenservice deutlich verbessert und die Mehr...
Why Joomo?
We focus on our clients’ challenges by offering them the flexibility to choose from a wide range of expertise and solutions covering hardware, software applications and cloud.
We continuously optimize the DevOps processes for pipelining, developing, integrating and testing the software, thus constantly increasing efficiency. We deliver reports and metrics to shape change and innovation thus creating outstanding customer benefits.
The safeguarding of customer data and ensuring secure application usage are our utmost priorities. Our company is certified accordingly. EN ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management), EN ISO / IEC 27001: 2017 (Information Security Management) as well as TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange).

Our Values
Our values are the pillars of our corporate culture:
- It is the passion for the success of our customers.
- It is our integrity, technical excellence and transparent communication.
- It is the mutual appreciation of each individual.
- It is the will, not the desire, to be the best every day.